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Our whole school reading reward scheme is called RED Reading. RED Reading stands for ‘Reading Every Day’ and we are aiming to encourage all of our children to read for a period of time out of school with you every day. 


Spellings are sent out every two weeks on a Friday. These are linked to the spelling patterns and/or rules that the children have been focusing on over the week in both their Spelling and Phonics lessons. These will be stuck into their spelling journals and once the test is completed, the children will fill in their score.

Leap Frog

Leap Frog quizzes take place every Thursday. Your child will have been given examples of the questions they will tackle and these are glued into their green Leap Frog book. If your child gets full marks in their quiz on two consecutive weeks, they will move up to the next Lily Pad and examples of these will be sent home.

Have fun!