Reading Schemes used at The Vaynor
Home Readers
At The Vaynor , we use a range of reading materials to broaden the children’s reading experience including Bug Club, PM Storybook Starters and Oxford Reading Tree books, where appropriate.
In Reception and Key Stage 1, Phonics Bug, Songbird Starters and other texts ensure that all children who are learning to read are given decodable reading books closely matched to their phonic knowledge. These start with picture books that have no words and move onto simple vocabulary that children are exposed to daily in their phonics sessions. The books cover a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts an support the phonics phase and reading level that children are currently working at.
In Key Stage 2, we provide finely-levelled books from a range of reading schemes including popular characters such as Doctor Who and the Marvel action heroes. There are a range of texts types to engage different interests and build reading confidence, including fiction, non-fiction, comics, plays and poetry. In Years 3 – 4, home reading books are carefully selected and organised into reading bands that broaden children’s reading experience and support age related expectations for each year group.
Reading In School
Children across the school use a number of different schemes during reading lessons to give the children variety and depth in their reading experiences. They include Rigby Navigator, Collins Big Cat, Badger Books, IGR and Rigby Star. All guided reading books are appropriately banded to support progress in reading and allow children to work in small groups and as a whole class to build their confidence. We also have a beautifully stocked library which children visit weekly to choose their own book to read for pleasure.
In all year groups, children have whole class reading sessions teaching a range of skills that cover the curriculum. Children use a mixture of fiction, non-fiction and poetry extracts and whole texts to broaden their reading experience.