The children in Reception Classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum which allows the children to learn through play and develop imagination and independence.
As a team we strive to provide rich and stimulating activities that are led by the children's interests and supported and scaffolded by highly trained staff.
We closely observe all of the children through our online learning journey called 'Tapestry', which enables us to move the children's learning forward, work on their next steps and provide them with the resources necessary to fulfil their learning experiences.
The EYFS curriculum is divided into 3 prime areas and 4 specific areas.
The Prime Areas are;
- Personal,
- Social and Emotional Development,
- Physical Development,
- Communication and Language.
The Specific Areas are;
- Literacy, Mathematics,
- Understanding of the World,
- Expressive Arts and Design.
As a team we value all parental participation and strive to involve our parents through every step of their child's learning with us.
We follow the National Curriculum for children in Years One to Four. In English and Mathematics our learning processes are based on the guidance from the Government, and are actively linked to learning children undertake in other areas. This gives learning a context which we try to make as real life as we can get it.
Children have a say in what they learn, as having a say in what we do helps all of us more motivated to work. This works with children too! It makes them more likely to enjoy and thrive as learners, and drives up standards. The curriculum is imaginative and creative whenever possible, and makes to most we can of our local environment, including our fabulous grounds. OFSTED commented on 'The curriculum imaginatively provides interesting learning experiences and increasingly aims at a personalised approach to match pupil' needs and interests.'
Each new 'topic' engages children in stimulating learning experiences that always begin with an acclimatisation session. This could last for a half day, a day or even two days for example hunting for bones as palaeontologists would, taking part in a treasure hunt, 'going' on holiday or even having a water fight!
The way lessons are organised allows children to explicitly be involved in developing skills which equip them for life and the workplace such as teamwork, co-operation, independence, problem solving and resilience.
We believe our curriculum develops a world view in our children. Opportunities are exploited to consider how others live across the world, and our role as responsible world citizens who value the thoughts and feelings of others. To this end, Years One to Four are matched with a country.