The Vaynor PTA
Parent Teacher Association
The Vaynor Parent Teacher Association is a registered charity and member of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations (NCPTA). It is run by a committee with the able assistance of other parents, carers, staff and governors when there are functions. New helpers are always welcome and the team has fun in it's work - the more the merrier!
The PTA raises valuable funds to aid the life of the school. This year they contributed over £10,000 to purchase and install the wonderful outside equipment and plantings that have enlivened the school for our pupils. Their funds, along with money donated by parents after school performances have equipped the Key Stage One playground and they are currently contributing to the development of school garden.
In the past their hard work helped us out by purchasing six Djembi Drums. These have brought rhythm and beat to school life through very lively percussion lessons, where children learn to ready scores and develop their musicality.
In addition to this, to enable all our children to be heard and seen in their yearly productions, PTA kindly funded a demountable stage and a PA system, with microphones which has enlivened our shows.
Every class in school has the advantage of an interactive whiteboard, a must for the modern classroom as it enables teachers to draw on the internet to engage children in interactive games and sites. We are grateful for the PTA and funding from the Redditch Lions for this endeavour.
The school is very appreciative of the hard work that the PTA puts in to help us. This year they arranged the following events: Sunflowers for Ukraine, Summer Fayre, Christmas Gift and visit from Santa, a magic show for the children and End of Year class photographs, all of which were well-supported and, feedback says were enjoyable.