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We want all of our children to have a true sense of belonging in the world, confidence to have a voice and be themselves, and to feel they are valued and understood.

Our motto ‘‘Inspired to be the best that I can be”, encapsulates our vision for our children.  By building resilience, our children will learn and progress towards their very best self, taking pride in all they do.

At The Vaynor First School we aim to deliver excellence for all children by providing an exceptional curriculum that has been designed over time by our staff, children, and governors. At the heart of our curriculum are 3 integral goals that we endeavour to ignite within every child. Underpinning our goals are our values and learning superpowers that provide the foundations they build upon.

Love for Learning – To prepare our children to be the best that they can be by inspiring within them a passion and purpose for learning that will continue throughout their lives.

Enquiring MindsTo develop thinking and enquiring minds with a spirit of curiosity and wonder.

World Wise - To provide aspiration for all, to prepare our children as citizens of our community, country, and the wider world in which they live.